Heavy vehicles visible on Google

On the marketplace mascus.se, you will find a wide range of buy and sell ads for used machinery and heavy vehicles. We have been working with search engine optimization (SEO) since 2008 and have placed Mascus in the top listings in Google for several hundred keywords.

Over ten years of top rankings in Google

Together with Mascus, we have used all the seniority in SEO required to create sustainable results in Google’s organic search results.

Quick facts

  • In 2008, we started with just over a hundred keywords.
  • Today, we work with thousands of keywords.
  • Most of Mascus’ selected keywords are in Google’s first place.

The importance of choosing the right keywords

SEO is about assessing which words are relevant. These words are called keywords or search terms. Sometimes, the term search phrases is also used, as a search can contain more than one word. In Mascus’s case, it was about reaching the highest position in the search engines for words that included “used” together with the vehicle or machine itself, for example, “used tractor” and “used tractors.” We compiled a solid keyword list with over a hundred different keywords.

As the keywords rose in the top list and more words took first place, we chose Mascus to expand the keyword list to include searches without the term used, i.e., tractor and tractors. In addition, we placed brands together with machine and vehicle models—for example, John Deere 6420 or Scania R420. The total keyword list gradually grew even more.

On-page and off-page SEO

Initially, we focused on getting the right type of content into the marketplace from a search engine perspective, relevant to each individual keyword in the list. We worked with content texts and meta tags for each keyword and page.

At the same time, the platform had some technical challenges. We found solutions together with Mascus, which we continue to do as Google regularly changes its algorithms.

Once we had advanced on-page SEO, we also started Offpage SEO by creating genuine and permanent links to the marketplace from other relevant websites. This was done according to Google’s guidelines to have a long-term effect on Mascus. The result has been very positive.

Do you want to know more about SEO?

Talk to Anders who has worked in this field for over 20 years.

Anders Tufvesson Strateg +46705516606 anders.tufvesson@ninetech.com
Curious about Mascus vehicles?

Whether you are a combine harvester or tractor speculator, visiting their website is worth it.

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