Award-winning technology – that saves lives
Swedish researchers were the first in the world to demonstrate the effect of alerting volunteer lifeguards with CPR knowledge to someone who has suffered a suspected cardiac arrest. An international study from 2021 shows that 30-day sleep.
How SMS Lifeguards Work
The SMS Lifeguard system is linked together by a smartphone app and is connected to the emergency center. When 112 receives a call about a person suffering from a suspected cardiac arrest, an alarm is simultaneously sent to the ambulance and volunteer lifeguards who are nearby. The lifeguard confirms the alarm in the app and receives a map of the affected person and the nearest defibrillator. The volunteers go to the scene and begin lifesaving efforts until the ambulance or emergency services arrive.
95,000 volunteer SMS lifeguards in Sweden
In 2019, SOS Alarm alerted volunteer SMS lifeguards to 1,230 suspected cardiac arrests in the Stockholm Region. In 46 percent of cases, volunteer SMS lifeguards were on site before the ambulance and were able to begin life-saving efforts. Early intervention saved lives, and 16 of the victims had a better chance of survival thanks to being defibrillated by a volunteer lifeguard before the ambulance arrived. There are now approximately 95,000 volunteer SMS lifeguards in Sweden.
In 2020, Denmark became the first country in Europe with a uniform and nationwide system called TrygFonden Hjerteløber. Danish lifeguards can now help no matter where in the country they are, and there are currently around 126,000 volunteer lifeguards in the country.
International effort to save more lives
After the system has proven effective in Sweden and Denmark, Heartrunner aims to expand internationally, but it must ensure the system is safe and constantly improves. Ninetech’s (formerly Aspire’s) team helps develop and maintain the system behind the Sms-livräddare (SMS lifeguards) app.