Our family – CombinedX

Ninetech is part of CombinedX – a family of knowledge companies that help businesses and organizations take advantage of digitalization opportunities. CombinedX delivers its services through wholly-owned specialist companies (including Ninetech) that each have market-leading technical and business expertise in their niche. Together, we within CombinedX offer our clients a magical combination of expertise.

CombinedX originated from Ninetech AB. In 2016, the owners decided to ‘split up’ the then-Ninetech, which had an extensive service portfolio, into several specialized companies under the name Combined Excellence AB.

During this journey, the group acquired additional strong companies. Today, we are eight companies within CombinedX, employing around 600 people and generating approximately 800 million SEK in revenue. Since February 2021, we have operated under the name CombinedX.

The companies that make up the CombinedX family are Nethouse, Elvenite, Netgain, Two, Ninetech and Absfront

Learn more on the CombinedX website about how we are digitalizing Sweden and dive into the magical whole that we create together.